Herb Alpert, Executive Vice President, Vice Chairman 
        Sheryl Lorence

Jerry Moss, President, Chairman 
        David Dashev 
        Lance Freed, executive assistant 
        Mike Gormley, assistant to the chairman 
        Andy Meyer, Assistant to the Chairman, VP Special Projects 
        Paulette Rapp 
        Diane Reti

Gil Friesen, GM, VP, President, director of administration and creative services, senior VP 
        Jeff Ayeroff, Special Assistant

Al Cafaro, Senior VP/GM, President, Chairman/CEO

Jolene Burton, VP Financial Affairs

Bob Fead, Senior VP of A&M, director of distribution (sales, promo, ads, special projects)

Harold Childs, VP Promotion

David Kershenbaum, VP Artists & Repertoire

Tommy LiPuma, VP/Creative Director of Horizon Records