10 Speed

"We think [10 Speed's debut is] a super-creative album that will appeal to classic rock fans who dig Queen and T.Rex, and we also think it will go over with the modern rock kids that are into Beck and Spacehog," Scott Carter, A&M director of product development, told Billboard.

"Every song takes from its own generation, so whatever turned up on the record was what we picked from all the colors we like and what feels good," and "When we go in to do a record...each song has its own life and its own story," Dimitry told Billboard.

"One of the reasons [A&M Records] really like [10 Speed] is how hard they work. They go snipe the streets, and right after they're done with a show, they jump down in the crowd with a clipboard. They've got a few thousand people on their mailing list." said Carter. "They've got one of the clearest images of themselves of any band I've ever dealt with. They have an image that is really fun and colorful, and they're very specific about how they want to be portrayed. In an age where every alternative band wants the camera to be out of focus and hide their lead singer, these guys are so in your face."

The band created the first digital street team with over 10,000 fans in its database.

The initial single "Space Queen" was initially shipped to college radio in March 1998, then to main stream and modern rock on April 8, 1998.

A&M promoted the band with a video for "Space Queen" filmed in Los Angeles in May 1998. Promotional media included cassette samplers and secret codes with a decoder sheet placed in the album.

  1. West Coast Rock Group 10 Speed Gets Into Gear for Its A&M Debut. Doug Reece. Billboard, April 18, 1998, 12.
  2. Dimitry Ioffe biography, Visionnaire Group.
Recording Years / Label
1997-1998 -  A&M Records
Name Member Years Instruments
Dimitry Ioffe 1997-1998 vocals, bass
Hutch Walker 1997-1998 vocals, guitar
Peter Burke 1997-1998 drums
Name Birth Death
Dimitry Ioffe
Hutch Walker
Peter Burke

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