Art Farmer Septet

Recording Years / Label
Name Member Years Instruments
Art Farmer 1983 trumpet
Percy Heath 1983 bass
Monk Montgomery 1983 bass
Jimmy Cleveland 1983 trombone
Arthur Taylor 1983 drums
Sonny Johnson 1983 drums
Horace Silver 1983 piano
Quincy Jones 1983 piano
Charlie Rouse 1983 sax
Cliff Solomon 1983 sax
Oscar Estell 1983 sax
Name Birth Death
Art Farmer 1928-08-21 1999-10-04
Percy Heath 1923-04-30 2005-04-28
Monk Montgomery 1921-10-10 1982-05-20
Jimmy Cleveland 1926-05-03 2008-08-23
Arthur Taylor 1929-04-06 1995-02-06
Sonny Johnson
Horace Silver 1928-09-02 2014-06-18
Quincy Jones 1933-03-14
Charlie Rouse 1924-04-06 1988-11-30
Cliff Solomon 1931-01-17 2004-06-21
Oscar Estell 1929-08-18

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