Blodwyn Pig Concerts

Blodwyn Pig performed 68 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Venue Sort descending Date
Mountaindale, NY 1970-7-11
Southall, England 1969-9-21
Ryde, England 1969-8-29
Reading, England 1969-8-10
Chicago, IL Aragon Ballroom 1970-7-17
Somerset, England Bath Festival 1969-6-28
Boston, MA Boston Tea Party 1969-7-16
Boston, MA Boston Tea Party 1970-4-16
Boston, MA Boston Tea Party 1970-4-17
Boston, MA Boston Tea Party 1970-4-18
Boston, MA Boston Tea Party 1970-7-14
Boston, MA Boston Tea Party 1969-7-15
Boston, MA Boston Tea Party 1969-7-14
Boston, MA Boston Tea Party 1970-7-16
Boston, MA Boston Tea Party 1970-7-15
Boston, MA Boston Tea Party 1969-11-6
Boston, MA Boston Tea Party 1969-11-7
Boston, MA Boston Tea Party 1969-11-8
Port Chester, NY Capitol Theater 1970-4-25
Port Chester, NY Capitol Theater 1970-4-24
Newcastle, England City Hall 1969-6-20
Dunstable, England Civic 1969-9-29
Santa Monica, CA Civic Auditorium 1970-8-1
Santa Monica, CA Civic Auditorium 1970-7-31
Bristol, England Colston Hall 1969-6-21
Detroit, MI Eastown Theater 1970-7-4
Detroit, MI Eastown Theater 1969-10-31
Detroit, MI Eastown Theater 1969-11-1
Detroit, MI Eastown Theater 1970-7-3
New York, NY Fillmore East 1970-6-27
New York, NY Fillmore East 1970-5-1
New York, NY Fillmore East 1970-5-2
New York, NY Fillmore East 1969-11-15
New York, NY Fillmore East 1970-6-26
New York, NY Fillmore East 1969-11-14
New York, NY Fillmore East 1970-8-8
San Francisco, CA Fillmore West 1970-8-3
San Francisco, CA Fillmore West 1969-10-12
San Francisco, CA Fillmore West 1969-10-11
San Francisco, CA Fillmore West 1969-10-10
San Francisco, CA Fillmore West 1969-10-9
San Francisco, CA Fillmore West 1970-8-4
San Francisco, CA Fillmore West 1970-8-5
Manchester, England Free Trade Hall 1969-6-15
Portsmouth, England Guild Hall 1969-6-26
London, England Imperial College 1970-3-3
Chicago, IL Kinetic Playground 1969-10-25
Chicago, IL Kinetic Playground 1969-10-24
Luton, England Luton College of Technology 1969-5-10
London, England Marquee Club 1969-6-24
Newcastle Upon Tyne, England Mayfair Ballroom 1970-9-11
Dublin, Ireland National Stadium 1969-12-30
Plumpton, England Plumpton Racetrack 1969-8-9
London, England Royal Albert Hall 1969-6-29
Philadelphia, PA Spectrum 1970-7-8
Stockport, England Stockport College of Technology 1970-5-15
Stony Brook, NY Stony Brook University 1969-11-22
San Bernardino, CA Swing Auditorium 1970-8-2
Birmingham, England Town Hall 1969-6-13
Sheffield, England University of Sheffield 1970-5-16
Edinburgh, Scotland Usher Hall 1969-12-17
Berlin, Germany Waldbuehne 1970-9-4
Los Angeles, CA Whisky-a-Go-Go 1969-10-17
Los Angeles, CA Whisky-a-Go-Go 1969-10-16
Los Angeles, CA Whisky-a-Go-Go 1969-10-18
Los Angeles, CA Whisky-a-Go-Go 1969-10-15
Los Angeles, CA Whisky-a-Go-Go 1969-10-19
Isle of Wight Wooton 1969-8-30