Brewer & Shipley

Both Michael Brewer and Tom Shipley got their start at A&M Records as staff writers for the label's publishing house Good Sam Music.  

Michael Brewer had worked with Alan Stanton when both were at Columbia. Stanton moved to A&M and brought Brewer with him. Stanton, along with Jerry Riopelle, were asked to produce the first Brewer & Shipley album Down In L.A. The album was recorded in October 1968.


Recording Years / Label
1968 -  A&M Records
Name Member Years Instruments
Mike Brewer 1968 guitars, vocals
Tom Shipley 1968 guitars, vocals
Name Birth Death
Mike Brewer 1944-04-14
Tom Shipley 1941-04-01
Name See associated acts
Tom Shipley Garden Club

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