China Crisis References

The reference sources are from major music trade publications and newspapers worldwide. You can sort the list by the article title or the publication date.

Reference Title Sort descending Date
Albums: What Price Paradise. Melody Maker, 61:27. 1986-12-6
Crisis Control (photo). Billboard, 18.
Flaunt the Imperfection (phonotape reviews). Mark Peel. Stereo Review, 50:103. 1985-11
Flaunt the Imperfection (record reviews). Michael Tearson. Audio, 69:339. 1985-10
Flaunt the Imperfection (record reviews). Parke Puterbaugh. Rolling Stone, 70. 1985-8-25
Producer Profile: Becker Puts Himself In a "Crisis" Situation. Sam Sutherland. Billboard, 97:33.
Records: What Price Paradise? Creem, 18:16. 1987-6
Reviews: Best Kept Secret. Billboard, 71.
Reviews: Diary of a Hollow Horse. Billboard, 73.
What Price Paradise (record reviews). Steve Matteo. Rolling Stone, 500:102. 1987-5-21
What Price Paradise. Billboard. 1987-2-21
Working With Fire and Steel (record reviews). Michael Tearson. Audio, 68:84. 1984-7