
Recording Years / Label
1983 -  Passport Records
Name Member Years Instruments
Peter Zaremba 1983 trombone, vocal
Mike Zaremba 1983 bass, vocal
Polly Zaremba 1983 vocal
Tommy Cantwell 1983 drums
David Allen 1983 keyboards
Kurt Sustarsic 1983 guitar, vocal
Len Luciano 1983 flugelhorn, trumpet
Mark Claugh 1983 sax
Brian Bodner 1983 sax
Name Birth Death
Peter Zaremba 1956-09-16
Mike Zaremba
Polly Zaremba
Tommy Cantwell
David Allen
Kurt Sustarsic
Len Luciano
Mark Claugh
Brian Bodner
Name See associated acts
Peter Zaremba Fleshtones

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