Free Play - Eduardo del Barrio

Stock Number
75021 5355
A&M Records
cassette album.
Released: 1991
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 Three Freedom Movements - Images Of Life 00:00:00
2 Three Freedom Movements - Mystic Rhymes 00:00:00
3 Three Freedom Movements - Celebration 00:00:00
4 Cubana 00:00:00
5 Chaca-Rara 00:00:00
6 Lament For a Lonely Child 00:00:00
7 Improvisation No. 1 00:00:00
8 Improvisation No. 2 00:00:00
Credit Sort descending Role
Abraham Laboriel bass
Alex Acuna bombo
Beth Herzhaft photography
Charlie Haden bass
Chuck Beeson art direction
Dave Collins mastering
Dianne Reeves vocal
Ed Goodreau engineer
Ed Goodreau mix
Eduardo del Barrio piano
Eduardo del Barrio producer
Eduardo del Barrio synthesizer
Eric Pershing sound design
Gary Myerberg synthesizer
Herb Alpert producer
Hubert Laws flute
John Aguto assistant engineer
Luis Conte percussion
Michael Morongell mix
Peter Erskine drums
Pino Marrone guitar
Rob Jaczko assistant engineer
Shorty Rogers liner notes
Susan Silton design

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