Edwyn Collins Concerts

Edwyn Collins performed 26 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort descending Venue Date
Belfort, France Persqu’ile de Malsaucy 1995-7-8
Boston, MA Paradise Rock Club 1996-11-6
Boulder, CO Fox Theater 1995-9-26
Bristow, VA Nissan Pavilion 1995-10-9
Gampel, Switzerland 1995-8-19
Gampel, Switzerland Open Air Gampel 1995-10-19
Glasgow, Scotland Pavilion Theatre 1995-10-23
Glasgow, Scotland Pavilion Theatre 1995-9-23
Hollywood, CA Hollywood Grand 1995-4-23
Leicester, England University of Leicester 1995-10-17
Lille, France Le Splendid 1995-6-1
London, England Astoria 1995-9-24
Namur, Belgium Citadelle de Namur 1995-6-24
New York, NY Tramps 1995-10-5
New York, NY Mercury Lounge 1995-10-7
Norwich, England Norwich UEA 1995-11-29
Norwich, England UEA 1995-10-29
Paris, France Canal+ 1995-5-23
Paris, France Elysee Montmartre 1995-6-2
Paris, France Place de la Bastille 1995-6-21
Philadelphia, PA Khyyber 1995-9-5
Sheffield, England Leadmill 1995-10-21
Stratford-Upon-Avon, England Long Marston Airfield 1995-7-14
Vancouver, Canada Starfish Room 1995-9-20
Washington, DC 9:30 Club 1995-11-10
Wolverhampton, England Wulfrun Hall 1995-10-27