Edwyn Collins Concerts

Edwyn Collins performed 26 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort ascending Venue Date
Wolverhampton, England Wulfrun Hall 1995-10-27
Washington, DC 9:30 Club 1995-11-10
Vancouver, Canada Starfish Room 1995-9-20
Stratford-Upon-Avon, England Long Marston Airfield 1995-7-14
Sheffield, England Leadmill 1995-10-21
Philadelphia, PA Khyyber 1995-9-5
Paris, France Canal+ 1995-5-23
Paris, France Place de la Bastille 1995-6-21
Paris, France Elysee Montmartre 1995-6-2
Norwich, England Norwich UEA 1995-11-29
Norwich, England UEA 1995-10-29
New York, NY Tramps 1995-10-5
New York, NY Mercury Lounge 1995-10-7
Namur, Belgium Citadelle de Namur 1995-6-24
London, England Astoria 1995-9-24
Lille, France Le Splendid 1995-6-1
Leicester, England University of Leicester 1995-10-17
Hollywood, CA Hollywood Grand 1995-4-23
Glasgow, Scotland Pavilion Theatre 1995-9-23
Glasgow, Scotland Pavilion Theatre 1995-10-23
Gampel, Switzerland 1995-8-19
Gampel, Switzerland Open Air Gampel 1995-10-19
Bristow, VA Nissan Pavilion 1995-10-9
Boulder, CO Fox Theater 1995-9-26
Boston, MA Paradise Rock Club 1996-11-6
Belfort, France Persqu’ile de Malsaucy 1995-7-8