Saint-Saens-Poulenc-Dutilleux Oboe Sonatas - Hansjorg Schellenberger

Stock Number
81757 3088
CD 73088
Denon Records
United States
CD album.
Released: 1990
Track Track Title Track Time
1 Saint Saens I.Andantino 00:03:03
2 Saint Saens II.Akkegretto (Ad Libitum) 00:05:15
3 Saint Saens III. Molot Allegro 00:02:18
4 Poulenc I. Elegie, Paisiblement 00:05:09
5 Poulenc II. Scherzo Tres Anime 00:04:21
6 Poulenc III. Deploration Tres Anime 00:05:00
7 Bozza Fantasie Pastorale, Op. 37 00:05:52
8 Dutilleux I. Aria, Grave 00:02:55
9 Dutilleux II. Scherzo 00:03:45
10 Dutilleux III. Finale Assez Allant 00:04:00
11 After Syrinx 00:13:27
Credit Role Sort descending
Toshiyasu Shiozawa edit
Yukio Takahashi engineer
Hansjorg Schellenberger oboe
Rolf Koenen piano
Takashi Baba recording supervisor

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