Halloween Horrors - J. Robert Elliott

Stock Number
602435 147918
A&M Records
United States
Released: 2020-10 -2
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 Halloween Horror 00:14:00
2 Introduction 00:00:19
3 Screams, Falling Scream 00:01:45
4 Creaking Door Opening and Closing 00:02:24
5 Pipe Organ, Violin, Church Bells 00:06:24
6 Thunder and Lightening, Rain 00:03:28
7 Bats, Cats, Owls 00:03:16
8 Horse and Wagon, Train 00:05:48
9 Flying Saucer, Giant Space Ship 00:02:30
31 Owls 00:00:00
32 Crickets 00:00:00
33 Baying Dogs 00:00:00
34 Snarling Dogs 00:00:00
35 Snake Hiss 00:00:00
36 Panther Howl 00:00:00
38 Monsters Breathing 00:00:00
39 Monsters Roar 00:00:00
40 Horse and Wagon 00:00:00
41 Train 00:00:00
42 Automobile 00:00:00
43 Auto Crash 00:00:00
44 Police Siren 00:00:00
45 Helicopter Taking Off and Landing 00:00:00
46 Explosion 00:00:00
47 Gunshots 00:00:00
48 Machine Gun 00:00:00
49 Swords Clashing 00:00:00
50 Flying Saucer 00:00:00
51 Giant Space Ship 00:00:00
52 Laser Ray Gun 00:00:00
53 Galaxy Sounds 00:00:00
54 Space Station Computer 00:00:00
55 Interstellar Communication 00:00:00
56 Thunder and Lightening 00:00:00
Credit Sort descending Role
Dave Iveland engineer
Gary Meyer cover art
J. Robert Elliot producer
Joe Spencer typography
Michael Bell vocal
Nadine Arlyn vocal
Peter Cullen vocal
Stuart Kusher art direction

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