Let's Active References

The reference sources are from major music trade publications and newspapers worldwide. You can sort the list by the article title or the publication date.

Reference Title Date Sort ascending
It's Alive. Melody Maker, 60:16. 1985-2-23
Records: Cypress. Creem, 16:51. 1985-1
Records: Cypress. A. Lance. Record, 4:54. 1985-1
Cypress. Roy Trakin. Creem. 1985-1
Easter Parade. Melody Maker, 59:14-15. 1984-9-22
Talent In Action. Moira McCormick. Billboard, 96:41.
Records: Cypress. Rolling Stone, 436:61. 1984-12-6
Riffs: the Little Producer Who Could. B. Altman. Village Voice, 29:96. 1984-11-27
Producer Mitch Easter Hopes His Mother Knows Best. D. Fricke. Rolling Stone, 433:52. 1984-10-25
Cypress (record reviews). Rolling Stone, 57. 1984-10-25
Reviews: Cypress. Billboard. 1984-9-29
Records: Afoot. A. DeCurtis. Record, 3:58-59. 1984-1
Albums: Cypress. Melody Maker, 59:29. 1984-9-15
Records: Afoot. Creem, 15:51-52. 1984-4
Afoot. Mitchell Cohen. Creem. 1984-4
It's Alive. Melody Maker, 59:16. 1984-4-21
New On the Charts (Afoot). Billboard, 96:38. 1984-3-3
Records: Let's Active. Rolling Stone, 416:51. 1984-3-1
New On the Charts (Afoot). Billboard, 96:38. 1984-3-1
Who, What, How and Why. Trouser. 10:12-13. 1984-2
Can't Get No Satisfaction: Mitch Easter, the Man Who Has Everything Wants More. B. Flanagan. Record, 3:7. 1984-2
Licks: Not Just Guitar. M. Coleman. Village Voice, 29:84. 1984-2-21