Imagine It - One 2 One

Stock Number
395 364
SEL-RA 3063
A&M Records
South Korea
vinyl album.
Released: 1992
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 Peace Of Mind (Love Goes On) 00:03:56
2 Memory Lane 00:03:54
3 Keeping Faith 00:03:31
4 Friends 00:03:46
5 Big On Emotion 00:04:09
6 Tough to Tame 00:04:30
7 I'll Walk Away 00:04:14
8 Big Hush 00:03:39
9 Gypsy Girl 00:03:32
10 World Without Love 00:03:35
Credit Sort descending Role
Alanis Morissette background vocal
Alejandro Rodriguez mix assistant
Chuck Beeson art direction
George Marino mastering
Humberto Gatica mix
Leslie Howe arranger
Leslie Howe bass
Leslie Howe drums
Leslie Howe engineer
Leslie Howe guitar
Leslie Howe keyboards
Leslie Howe mix
Leslie Howe producer
Louise Reny vocal
Peter Grant design
Randee St. Nicholas photography
Serge Cote bass
Serge Cote keyboards

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