Spider Concerts

Spider performed 38 concerts worldwide. You can sort the list by city, concert venue, or date.

Location Sort descending Venue Date
Blackburn, England King George's Hall 1984-3-24
Blackpool, England Bier Keller 1984-8-7
Bournemouth, England Blue Bird Rock Club 1984-8-4
Bournemouth, England Winter Gardens 1984-3-27
Brighton, England Pavilion 1984-7-28
Bristol, England Granary 1984-8-5
Bristol, England Colston Hall 1984-3-26
Cambridge, England Sea Cadet Hall 1984-7-23
Cardiff, Wales New Ocean 1984-8-1
Carlisle, England Stars and Stripes 1984-7-17
Cleethorpes, England Winter Gardens 1984-7-20
Colchester, England Woods Centre 1984-7-26
Dumfries, Scotland Oasis 1984-7-15
Edinburgh, Scotland Playhouse 1984-3-22
Edinburgh, Scotland Nite Club 1984-7-16
Glasgow, Scotland Venue 1984-7-13
Ipswich, England Gaumont 1984-3-29
Leeds, England Leeds University 1984-3-23
Leicester, England Leicester University 1984-3-20
Liverpool, England Bier Keller 1984-8-8
Liverpool, England Royal Court 1984-3-25
London, England Lyceum 1984-8-2
London, England Hammersmith Odeon 1984-3-28
Manchester, England Gallery 1984-7-19
Middlesborough, England Town Hall 1984-7-12
Newark, England Palace Theatre 1984-7-24
Newcastle Upon Tyne, England Mayfair Ballroom 1984-3-21
Norwich, England St. Andrew's Hall 1984-7-25
Oxford, England City Supporters Rock Club 1984-7-29
Peterborough, England Key Theatre 1984-7-22
Preston, England Clouds 1984-8-9
Sunderland, England Barbary Coast 1984-7-10
Swansea, Wales Marina Nite Spot 1984-7-31
Thatcham, England Silks 1984-7-30
Tunbridge Wells, England Assembly Rooms 1984-7-27
Whitehaven, England Whitehouse 1984-7-11
Whitehaven, England Whitehouse 1984-7-1
Wishaw, Scotland Heathery Bar 1984-7-14