Tower of Power

Recording Years / Label
1987 -  Cypress Records
Name Member Years Instruments
Greg Adams 1987 trumpet, flugelhorn, horn, vocals
Stanley Benders 1987 percussion
Brent Byars 1987 bongos, congas
Emilio Castillo 1987 sax, vocals
Richard Elliot 1987 sax, lyricon
Willie Fulton 1987 guitar, vocals
Ellis Hall 1987 guitar, keyboards, vocals
Stephen 'Doc' Kupka 1987 sax
Maxayn Lewis 1987 vocals
Mick Mestek 1987 drums
Francis Prestia 1987 bass
Marilyn Scott 1987 vocals
Lee Thornburg 1987 trumpet, flugelhorn, vocals
Patty Unaitis 1987 vocals
David Garibaldi 1987 drums
Name Birth Death
Greg Adams 1948-04-14
Stanley Benders
Brent Byars
Emilio Castillo 1950-09-24
Richard Elliot
Willie Fulton
Ellis Hall 1951-05-10
Stephen 'Doc' Kupka 1946-03-25
Maxayn Lewis
Mick Mestek
Francis Prestia 1951-03-07
Marilyn Scott
Lee Thornburg
Patty Unaitis
David Garibaldi 1946-11-04
Name See associated acts
Greg Adams Greg Adams
Ellis Hall California Raisins

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