Audio/Video Soundtrack Masters the Music and Effects Library - Unknown Artist

Stock Number
PL 5025 B
Passport Records
vinyl album.
Released: 1983
Recording Notes
No artists listed on sleeve or label
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 Mighty Vistas 00:00:00
2 Funk & Bop 00:00:00
3 Awesome Nature 00:00:00
4 Hot Night 00:00:00
5 Sensuous 00:00:00
6 Swing/ Whistle 00:00:00
7 Rockers 00:00:00
8 Movement/ Thrust 00:00:00
9 Love Intrigue 00:00:00
10 Detective 00:00:00
11 Comedy Horror 00:00:00
12 Breezy 00:00:00
13 Ball Game 00:00:00
14 On the Farm 00:00:00
15 River Revival 00:00:00
16 Can Can Crazy 00:00:00
17 The Sailor 00:00:00
18 Yankee Doodle 00:00:00
19 France 00:00:00
20 China 00:00:00
21 Mexico 00:00:00
22 Belly Dance 00:00:00
23 The Heroine 00:00:00
24 The Chase 00:00:00
25 The Villain 00:00:00
26 The Phantom 00:00:00
27 Wedding March 00:00:00
28 Calliope 00:00:00
29 Tension 00:00:00
30 Action Movement 00:00:00
31 Dramatic Curtain 00:00:00
32 Danger 00:00:00
33 Suspense 00:00:00
34 Strut 00:00:00
35 Baby Walk 00:00:00
36 Jazz Smooth 00:00:00
37 Shifty 00:00:00
38 Wacked Out 00:00:00
39 Time Warp 00:00:00
40 Ice Gods 00:00:00
41 Fly-off 00:00:00
42 Slide Whistle (3 Cuts) 00:00:00
43 Police Whistle��Slow 00:00:00
44 Police Whistle��Fast 00:00:00
45 Ratchet (3 Cuts) 00:00:00
46 Boinger (3 Cuts) 00:00:00
47 Horns (3 Cuts) 00:00:00
48 Birds (3 Cuts 00:00:00
49 Morning 00:00:00
50 Indians 00:00:00
51 Drum Roll��A 00:00:00
52 Drum Roll��B 00:00:00
53 Space War 00:00:00
54 Bawdy Comic Laughter 00:00:00
55 (Shorter Version Of Above) 00:00:00
56 Reaction To Pun/ Poor Taste 00:00:00
57 Amazed Gasp 00:00:00
58 Disappointed "Awww..." 00:00:00
59 Crowd Reacts: "Who...?" 00:00:00
60 Naughty Anticipation 00:00:00
61 Panting, Excited: "Yeah, Yeah!" 00:00:00
62 Rowdy Disapproval 00:00:00
63 Crowd Mumbles, Quiets Down 00:00:00
64 Applause: Mild, Courteous 00:00:00
65 Applause: General 00:00:00
66 Applause: Excited 00:00:00
67 Applause: Cheering, Raving 00:00:00
68 Group: "Me! Pick Me!" 00:00:00
69 Group: "Yes, Yes," Then "No, No!" 00:00:00
70 Arguments, Then Quieting Down 00:00:00
71 Shock 00:00:00
72 (Men) "Hubba Hubba!" 00:00:00
73 (Girls) "Hubba Hubba!" 00:00:00
74 Gregorian Monks Chanting 00:00:00
75 Indian Chanting 00:00:00
76 Crowd Milling (Background) 00:00:00
77 Angry Crowd 00:00:00
78 Girls Locker Room 00:00:00
79 Boys Locker Room 00:00:00
80 Telephone Ring/ Answer 00:00:00
81 Telephone Slammed Down 00:00:00
82 Door Opening 00:00:00
83 Door Slam Shut/ Rattling 00:00:00
84 Door Knock 00:00:00
85 Door Pounding 00:00:00
86 Footsteps Approach & Stop 00:00:00
87 Footsteps Turn & Leave (Fade) 00:00:00
88 Ocean/ Surf 00:00:00
89 Traffic 00:00:00
90 Jungle 00:00:00
91 Forest & Stream 00:00:00
92 Outer Space (Fantasy Effect) 00:00:00
93 Horror (Fantasy Effect) 00:00:00
94 Thunderstorm/ Wind 00:00:00
95 Major Stadium Crowd 00:00:00
96 War 00:00:00

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