We Got a Love Thang - CeCe Peniston

Stock Number
390 846
A&M Records
Released: 1991
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 We Got a Love Thang (silky 7�) 00:00:00
2 We Got a Love Thang (LP version) 00:00:00
Credit Sort descending Role
CeCe Peniston background vocal
Chane Savage background vocal
Chantay Savage background vocal
David Morales additional production
David Morales remix
Eric Miller producer
Eric Miller remix
Felipe Delgado producer
Jere McAllister keyboards
Jere McAllister remix
Kym Sims background vocal
Larry Sturm mix
Larry Sturm mix engineer
Larry Sturm producer
Larry Sturm remix
Manny Lehman executive producer
Mark Mazzetti executive producer
Maurice Joshua edit
Maurice Joshua producer
Maurice Joshua programming
Maurice Joshua remix
R. K. Jackson producer
Steve Hurley arranger
Steve Hurley drum programming
Steve Hurley keyboard programming
Steve Hurley keyboards
Steve Hurley mix
Steve Hurley mix engineer
Steve Hurley producer
Steve Hurley programming
Steve Hurley remix

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