Keep On Walkin' - CeCe Peniston

Stock Number
75021 2399
A&M Records
United States
Released: 1992-5 -5
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 Keep On Walkin' (Silky Soul 12") 00:06:25
2 Keep On Walkin' (Maurice Underground Vocal) 00:06:30
3 Keep On Walkin' (E-Smoove Groovy Mix) 00:06:15
4 Keep On Walkin' (Hard Urban Mix With Rap) 00:05:54
5 Keep On Walkin' (Original Feel 12") 00:05:06
6 Keep On Walkin' (LP Edit) 00:04:00
Credit Sort descending Role
Aaron Lyles producer
Aaron Lyles remix
Bobby Douglas keyboard programming
Bobby Douglas programming
Bruce Moore assistant engineer
Bruce Moore mix assistant
Eric Butler engineer
Eric Miller keyboards
Eric Miller producer
Eric Miller remix
Gregg Mann mix
Ike Lee keyboard programming
Ike Lee producer
Ike Lee programming
Ike Lee remix
Larry Sturm engineer
Larry Sturm remix
Linque Ayoung
Manny Lehman executive producer
Mark Mazzetti executive producer
Maurice Joshua producer
Maurice Joshua remix
Steve Hurley engineer
Steve Hurley keyboards
Steve Hurley producer
Steve Hurley remix

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