Sayin' Sorry (Don't Make It Right) - Denise Lopez

Stock Number
VE 7000
VE 07000-A/B
Vendetta Records
United States
Released: 1988 -0
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 Sayin' Sorry (Don't Make It Right) (Club Mix) 00:09:01
2 Sayin' Sorry (Don't Make It Right) (M&M Hot 7" Mix) 00:04:40
3 Sayin' Sorry (Don't Make It Right) (House Vocal) 00:06:25
4 Sayin' Sorry (Don't Make It Right) (Latin Dub/Bonus Beats) 00:02:55
5 Sayin' Sorry (Don't Make It Right) (Over Dub) 00:03:50
Credit Sort descending Role
Bruce Forest producer
Bruce Forrest mix
David Bowler co-producer
David Bowler producer
Eric Li co-producer
Eric Li producer
Frank Heller mix
Frank Heller producer
Howard Bowler co-producer
John Morales co-producer
Peter Schwartz keyboards
Razor Sharp edit
Sergio Munzibai co-producer

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