Geschenk des Augenblicks - Hans-Joachim Roedelius

Stock Number
E. G. Music
vinyl album.
Released: 1984
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 Geschenk Des Augenblicks (Gift Of the Moment) 00:04:19
2 Adieu Quichotte 00:05:46
3 Troubadour 00:06:16
4 Kleine Blume Irgendwo (Little Flower Somewhere) 00:02:13
5 Ohn' UnterlaB (Continuously) 00:03:50
6 Gefundene Zeit (Time Regained) 00:02:00
7 Sehnsucht Ich Will Dich Lassen (To Be Free Of Yearning) 00:05:48
8 Das Sanfte (Mellowness) 00:03:43
9 Tag Fur Tag (Day By Day) 00:04:30
10 Zu FuBen Der Berge Am Ufer Des Sees (At The Foot Of The Mountain By the Lakeside) 00:06:35
11 Wurzeln Des Glucks (Roots Of Joy) 00:03:25

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