Howard Johnson Discography

There are 42 recordings for Howard Johnson. Click the links for the worldwide releases by recording title then click the stock number for the detailed discography including tracks, credits, format and release information.

Doin’ It My Way

Keepin’ Love New

Keepin’ Love New/Jam Song

Keepin’ Love New/So Fine

Knees/Stand Up/Why Sleep Alone Tonight

Knees/Why Sleep Alone Tonight

Let This Dream Be Real

Let This Dream Be Real/You’re the One

Let’s Take Time Out

Let’s Take Time Out/Everywhere I Go

Let’s Take Time Out/Everywhere I Go/Take Me Through the Night

Older Girl/Why Sleep Alone Tonight

Say You Wanna/Jam Song

So Fine/Keepin’ Love New

So Fine/Say You Wanna

So Fine/This Is Heaven

Stand Up

Stand Up/So Fine

Stand Up/So Fine/Keepin’ Love New

Stand Up/So Tuff

The Vision