Dogatana - Kazumi Watanabe

Stock Number
81757 2374
CD 72374
Denon Records
United States
CD album.
Released: 1990
Credit Sort descending Role
Aki Ieuta art direction
Aki Ieuta coordination
Christine Martin coordination
Dave Liebman alto flute
Gary Rindfuss assistant engineer
Hideo Yamaki drums
Hiroshi Goto engineer
Hiroshi Goto mix
James Farber engineer
James Farber mix
June Yamagishi
Kazumi Watanabe
Kazumi Watanabe bass
Kazumi Watanabe producer
Kenji Sugiyama design
Larry Coryell
Mike Mainieri co-producer
Mike Mainieri vibraphone
Nobuyooshi Ino bass
Nobuyuki Kuwabara illustration
Osama Ishida
Scott Litt engineer
Scott Litt mix
Warren Bernhardt piano
Yuzo Toki assistant engineer

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