Klark Kent - Klark Kent

Stock Number
SP 70600
SP 70600-A/B
I.R.S. Records
United States
vinyl album, cassette album.
Released: 1982
Recording Notes
10", green vinyl
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 Don't Care 00:02:08
2 Away From Home 00:02:55
3 Ritch In a Ditch 00:02:46
4 Grandelinquent 00:03:09
5 Excess 00:03:12
6 Guerilla 00:03:32
7 My Old School 00:02:44
8 Theme For Kinetic Ritual 00:04:18
Credit Sort descending Role
Carl Grasso art direction
Carl Grasso typography
Chris Gray engineer
Lynn Goldsmith photography
Martin Moss engineer
Nigel Gray engineer
Nigel Gray producer
Stewart Copeland bass
Stewart Copeland clarinet
Stewart Copeland drums
Stewart Copeland guitar
Stewart Copeland percussion
Stewart Copeland piano
Stewart Copeland producer
Stewart Copeland vocal

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