Keep Your Eye On the Sparrow - Merry Clayton

Stock Number
SP 77030
SP 77059--SP 77060
Ode Records
United States
vinyl album.
Released: 1975
Chart Peak Date
Billboard Top 200 Albums 146 1975-9-6
Billboard R&B Albums 50 1975-9-6
Credit Sort descending Role
Bob James keyboards
Chuck Beeson art direction
Chuck Beeson photography
David Spinozza guitar
Gary King arranger
Gary King bass
Gene McDaniels background vocal
Gene McDaniels producer
Gene McDaniels vocal arrangement
Hank Cicalo engineer
Hugh McCracken arranger
Hugh McCracken guitar
Ian Underwood ARP
Idris Muhammed drums
Jerry Peters vocal arrangement
Jim Gilstrap background vocal
Jimmy Iovine assistant engineer
Joe Farrell tenor sax
Julia Tillman background vocal
Kenny Ascher keyboards
Lloyd Michaels trumpet
Marti McCall background vocal
Maxine Willard background vocal
Merry Clayton background vocal
Merry Clayton vocal arrangement
Milt Calice assistant engineer
Morgan Ames coordinator
Ralph MacDonald percussion
Stephanie Spruill background vocal
Steve Gadd drums
Tom Scott ARP
Tom Scott arranger
Tom Scott lyricon
Tom Scott sax
Virginia Majewski viola

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