Rock Goddess Discography

There are 31 recordings for Rock Goddess. Click the links for the worldwide releases by recording title then click the stock number for the detailed discography including tracks, credits, format and release information.

Gotta Let Your Hair Down

Heavy Metal Rock and Roll/Satisfied Then Crucified

Hell Hath No Fury

I Didn’t Know I Loved You (Till I Saw You Rock and Roll)

I Didn’t Know I Loved You (Till I Saw You Rock and Roll)/Hell Hath No Fury

I Didn’t Know I Loved You (Till I Saw You Rock and Roll)/Hell Hath No Fury/In the Night

I Didn’t Know I Loved You (Till I Saw You Rock and Roll)/In the Night

My Angel/In the Heat Of the Night

My Angel/In the Heat Of the Night/Our Love’s

Rock Goddess