Morning Like This - Sandi Patti

Stock Number
WR 8325
WR 08325-A/B
Word Records
United States
vinyl album, CD album, cassette album.
Released: 1986
Recording Notes
Rejoice Records
Credit Sort descending Role
Al Coleman vocal
Alan Moore arranger
Alan Moore conductor
Amy Yahnig vocal
Anna Helvering vocal
Barbara Bernardi vocal
Barbara Hutchins brass
Barry Green brass
Becky Carney vocal
Becky Naish vocal
Betty Fisher vocal
Beverly Darnall vocal
Bill George piano
Bill Reichenbach brass
Bob Helvering vocal
Bonnie Keen vocal
Brad Fox vocal
Brent Lamb vocal
Bridgett Evans vocal
Butch Curry vocal
Cal Tarrant vocal
Carl Gorodetzky concertmaster
Carol Sanchez vocal
Carol Walker strings
Catherine Umstead strings
Charles Everett strings
Charles Loper brass
Charlie Heimermann vocal
Chris McDonald brass
Chris Rice vocal
Chris Teal strings
Cindy Statham vocal
Cindy Wilt vocal
Connie Heard strings
Cozette Byrd vocal
Craig Nelson bass
Craig Nelson strings
Craig Patty vocal
Cynthia Boswell vocal
Dana Tague vocal
David Bell vocal
David Boyle strings
David Clydesdale arranger
David Clydesdale conductor
David Clydesdale orchestration
David Hassell vocal
David Hunsinger piano
David Kaufman vocal
David Maddux vocal
David Martin vocal
David Vanderkooi strings
Davita Hungate vocal
Dawn Rodgers vocal
Debbie Kaye vocal
Denise Reagan vocal
Dennis Molchan strings
Diane Mays vocal
Don Boyer vocal
Donald Sheffied brass
Donna Chisum vocal
Doug Mills vocal
Drew Trotman vocal
Eberhard Ramm brass
Edgar Meyer strings
Elizabeth Groner vocal
Ellen Musick vocal
Eric Elliot vocal
Ernie Collins brass
Farrell Morris percussion
Gary Jones vocal
Gary Lunn bass
Gary Musick vocal
Gary Vanosdale strings
George Binkley strings
George Tidwell brass
Gilbert Long brass
Grace Bahng strings
Greg Davis vocal
Greg Fisher vocal
Greg Hill vocal
Greg Nelson conductor
Greg Nelson producer
Greg Nelson vocal
Hunter Moore vocal
Inez Boyle strings
Jack Jezioro strings
Jan Esterline vocal
Jane Sherberg vocal
Janet Hadaway vocal
Janet Hazen strings
Janet McMahan vocal
Jay Mohr vocal
Jerry Hey brass
Joann Cruthirds strings
Joann Tuzi vocal
John Borg strings
John Chisum vocal
John Conner vocal
John Darnall guitar
John Darnall vocal
John Helvering executive producer
John Helvering vocal
John Mays vocal
John Rommel brass
John Vaughn vocal
Jon Goin guitar
Jon Sherberg vocal
Karen Tague vocal
Katherine Plummer strings
Katie Fansler vocal
Katy Glentzer vocal
Keith Moore vocal
Kevin Majeski vocal
Larry Tague vocal
Laurie Lamb vocal
Leah Taylor vocal
Lee Larrison strings
Linda Alosco strings
Lindsey Williams vocal
Lisa Driskell vocal
Lisa Johnson vocal
Lisa Ragsdale vocal
Love In Any Language Choir choir
Luanne Mohr vocal
Lynn Hodges vocal
Mark Baldwin vocal
Mark Hammond drums
Mark Tanner strings
Marty McCall vocal
Mary Marquiss vocal
Mary Parker strings
Megan Mohr vocal
Melodie Tunney vocal
Michael Buckwalter brass
Michael Carrier brass
Michael Haynes brass
Michael Jones vocal
Mike Brignardello bass
Mike Patty vocal
Monroe Jones vocal
Nashville String Machine strings
Nathan Kahn strings
Pam Hall vocal
Pam Sixfin strings
Paul Butcher brass
Paul Guffey vocal
Paul Leim drums
Pauli Ewing strings
Pete Carlson vocal
Peter Kaye vocal
Phil Naish keyboards
Phil Naish synthesizer
Phyllis Mazza strings
Pinebrook Brass brass
Raymond Carr vocal
Rebekah Moore vocal
Renee Cook vocal
Rex Peer brass
Richard Ricker brass
Rick Cua vocal
Rick Gibson vocal
Robert Heuer brass
Ron Ferlito vocal
Ron Vaughn percussion
Roseanne Coleman vocal
Rosemary Harris strings
Roy Christensen strings
Russ Hollingsworth vocal
Sabrina Parker vocal
Sandi Patti producer
Sandi Patti vocal
Sara Fogel strings
Second Chapter of Acts
Shane Keister keyboards
Stephanie Woolf strings
Stephen Adams vocal
Steve Green vocal
Steve Millikan keyboards
Steve Taylor vocal
Susan Himelrick vocal
Tammy Boyer vocal
Tammy Taylor vocal
Teresa Fream strings
Teresa Patty vocal
Tim Holder vocal
Tim Maddux vocal
Todd Defore vocal
Tom McAninch brass
Tommy Greer vocal
Vaughn Skow vocal
Virginia Christensen strings
Wendy Baldwin vocal

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