Squeeze Videos

There are 21 video releases for Squeeze. You may sort the table by the video title, country or year of release. If you click on the video title link you get detailed information about the video including format, release date, tracks and more.

Title Sort descending Country Label Format Released
853-5937 United States A&M Records Promotional Video 1988-1-1
A&M Music Video Compilation 120 United States A&M Records Promotional Video 1993
A&M Video Hits Hong Kong A&M Records Laser disc 1992
Cool For Cats United States A&M Records Promotional Video 1979
Cool For Cats United States A&M Records eSingle Video 2005-11-2
Footprints United States A&M Records Promotional Video 1987
Greatest Hits Japan A&M Records Laser disc
Greatest Hits Australia A&M Records DVD 2003-11-3
Hits Of the Year United States A&M Records Promotional Video 1985-10
Hourglass United States A&M Records Promotional Video 1987-8-1
If It's Love United States A&M Records Promotional Video 1989-10-1
Pulling Mussels (From the Shell) United States A&M Records eSingle Video 2005-3-24
Pulling Mussels (From the Shell) United States A&M Records Promotional Video 1980
Squeeze Play: the Single Videos 1978-1987 United States A&M Video VHS 1990
Squeeze Play: the Single Videos 1978-1987 United States A&M Video Laser disc 1990
Squeeze Play: the Single Videos 1978-1987 United States A&M Video VHS 1987-3-11
Squeeze Play: the Single Videos 1978-1987 United States A&M Records Laser disc 1990
Tempted United States A&M Records eSingle Video 2020-8-7
Tempted United States A&M Records Promotional Video 1981
Up the Junction United States A&M Records Promotional Video 1979
Video Squeeze Britain A&M Video VHS 1989