Wendy Waldman Discography
There are 9 recordings for Wendy Waldman. Click the links for the worldwide releases by recording title then click the stock number for the detailed discography including tracks, credits, format and release information.
Easy Way Out/The Longest Summer
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
CP 100 | Canada | Cypress Records | 7-inch | 1987 |
Letters Home
Stock | Country | Label | Format | Released |
YL 0102 | Britain | Cypress Records | vinyl album | 1988-11 |
YD 0102 | Britain | Cypress Records | CD album | |
CP 112 | Canada | Cypress Records | 7-inch | 1987 |
CYPD 900 | Canada | Cypress Records | vinyl album | 1987 |
CYP 900 | Canada | Cypress Records | vinyl album | 1987 |
CYPT 900 | Canada | Cypress Records | cassette album | 1987 |
YL 0102 | United States | Cypress Records | vinyl album, CD album, cassette album | 1987 |
14166 0102 | United States | Cypress Records | vinyl album, CD album, cassette album | 1990 |