Thank you to all of the very talented members of the ALMO Sounds family.
If your name does not appear on the list please e-mail On A&M Records webmaster and let us include you in the credits. When you write, please include the years you worked at ALMO Sounds and your job title or the name of the department where you worked.
A - H | I - P | Q - Z |
Herb Alpert Lin Bordenet De Peyer Bob Bortnick Fun Cheung (UK) Juanita Copeland Karen Dillett Garth Fundis |
Eliana Giournas Aaron Grosky Pam Hughes Alan Jones Paul Kremen Sheryl Lorence Myles Lewis Monique McCullough Robb Moore Jerry Moss |
Andy Olyphant Denise Ormond Larry Pareigis Tony Quinn (UK) Paulette Rapp Ralph Simon (UK) Stacy Smith Howard Thompson |