Thank you to all of the very talented members of the Almo Music, Irving Music and Rondor Music International family.

If your name does not appear on the list please e-mail On A&M Records webmaster and let us include you in the credits. When you write, please include the years you worked at Rondor/A&M and your job title or the name of the department where you worked.

A - FG - MN - Z
Sigidi Abdallah
Bob Aird (Australia)
Randy Albright
Ralph Allen (AU)
Derek Alpert
Eden Alpert
Herb Alpert
Brenda Andrews
Michael Arciaga
Gregory Arnold
Ron Artis
Cathy Baker-Hall
Greg Becker
Jeff Benjamin
Bob Benkelman
Louise Black
Dennis Bohn (Germany)
Tom Bradley (UK)
Peter Braslavsky (UK)
Su Brazie
Adam Brand
John Bromell (AU)
Katie Brooks (UK)
Jez Broster
Candace Brown
Monica Bryan (UK)
Colin Buchanan
Nigel Burlinson (UK)
Wayne Burt
Leanne Caluya
Joe Carlton
George Carneal
Joe Carlton
Graham Carpenter (UK)
Jamie Carter (AU)
Jules Chaiken
Linda (Chel) Chelgren
Eric Coles
Sherri Coloduros
Graeme Connors
David Conrad (Nashville)
John Conrad
Russ Conway (UK)
Alex Cook
Jance Pober Cox
James Crawford
Shep Crawford
Bud Dain
Mary Del Frank (Nashville)
Mary Del Scobey (Nashville)
Hank DeVito
James Dewar (UK)
Evelien de Winter (NL)
Janet Dicker (UK)
Neily Dickerson
Christi Dorsey
Candy Drown
Karen Durant (New York)
Claude DuVivier (FR)
Kevin Eade (UK)
Mike Edwards
Yvonne Elenbaas (BE/NL)
Jennifer Embery (AU/UK)
Peter Ende
Mark Evans (AU)
Laurie (McClain) Faure
Sue Few
Darrell Franklin (Nashville)
Lance Freed

Charles Garside (UK)
Ashley Gilfuland (AU)
Roanna Gillespie
Don Gilmore
Stephanie (Salcedo) Glennon
Marianne Goode
Gail Gordon
Bob Grace (UK)
Derek Green
Scott Gunter (Nashville)
Jonathan Haft
John Hall
Johanna Hall
Kevin Hall
Diane Hayes (UK)
Peter Hebbes (Australia)
Bron Hicks (UK)
Brian Higgins
Tom Horesh
Stuart Hornall (UK and US)
Bones Howe
Dave Hubert
Dave Hunter (UK)
Berencice Izard
Janice Jackson
Samantha Jade
Deborah Johnson
Alan Jones (UK)
Jeremy Jones (France)
Malcolm Jones (UK)
Chris Justice
Julie Kalinski (AU)
Chuck Kaye
Molly Kaye
Kathy Kemp (New York)
Kathy Kenyon
Mandy King (AU)
Paul Kinsella
Lynne Krasch
Lynn Krikorian-James
Lee Leatherwood Lanier
Cecille-Lou Lejano
Doria Leong
Doug Lexa
Abby Lin
Jenny Lipman (AU)
Billy Livsey
Alex Lloyd
Carolyn Lorenzo
Marc Luber
Alexandra Lunn (FR)
Jon Mais (UK)
Fred Mancuso
Louis Mancuso
Ron Mason
Margo Matthews
Grace Mauceri
Brenda Maxwell
Peter McCamley
Laurie McClain
Monique McCullough
Linda McLean
Angus McNiel (AU)
Evan Medow
Leo Medrano
Bill Meyerchak
Eileen Michael
Doug Minnick
Manuel Montoya
Jane Moore (AU)
Wendy Moore
Todd Morgan
Jerry Moss
Ron Moss
Neil Murray
Joe Muscant
Brian Nathanson
David Nelson
Chris Oglesby
Andy Olyphant
Gary Olyphant
Denise Ormond
Sherry Orson
Rich Paladino
Steve Payne
Art Podell
Graham Powers (Canada)


Andy Quinta
Claude Palardy (CA)
Michelle Piper
Randy Pitch-Reeves
Art Podell
Gary Polizzi
Graham Powers (CA)
Aileen Randolph
Annette Reagan
John Redmond (CA)
Rob Reid (CA)
Rick Riccobono
Tommy Richter (Germany)
Allan Rider
Penny Ringwood
David Rivkin
Andrew Robbins
Cora Romein (NL)
John Rose
Mick Rowlands (UK)
Randall Rumage
Christine Russell
Robin Rutherford
Mary Lee Ryan
Bobby Rymer (Nashville)
Ronny Schiff
Ira Selsky
Gloria Sequoia
Ronny Schiff
Brian Scholfield
Gary Scruggs
Ira Selsky
Roy Shapiro
Mark Sher (UK)
Susan Sian (UK)
David Sieff
Sheri Rubin Smith
Joel Sill
Ralph Simon (UK)
Cyril Simons
Lenny Sims
Winki Sims
Jill Smith (AU)
Kary Smith
Stacy Smith
Betty Spector
Carol Spencer
Ted Spellman
Carol Spencer
Therese (Perock) Spencer
Audrey Sporleader
David Stamm
Dick Stewart
Lillian Stoddard
Monica Stoute
Nigel Sweeney (UK)
Janice Telfer (UK)
Tamala Terhune
Richard Thomas (UK)
Graham Thompson (AU)
Andrew Tierney
Michael Tierney
Andrea Torchea
Trak Starz
Barbara (Linebaugh) Turner
Chris Twinam
Halit Uman (France)
Frank Unruh
Bobby Valentino
Barbara Vander Linde
Tom Vickers
Trey Vittetoe
Don Walker (Australia)
Artie Wayne
Betty West
Shelly Weiss
Susan Williams (AU)
Maureen Woods (UK)