Every Breath You Take: the Singles - Police

Stock Number
602498 201732
A&M Records
CD album.
Released: 1986
Recording Notes
Double CD
Track Sort descending Track Title Track Time
1 Roxanne 00:00:00
2 Can't Stand Losing You 00:00:00
3 Message In a Bottle 00:00:00
4 Walking On the Moon 00:00:00
5 Don't Stand So Close to Me 00:00:00
6 De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da 00:00:00
7 Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic 00:00:00
8 Invisible Sun 00:00:00
9 Spirits In the Material World 00:00:00
10 Every Breath You Take 00:00:00
11 King Of Pain 00:00:00
12 Wrapped Around Your Finger 00:00:00
13 Don't Stand So Close to Me '86 00:00:00
14 Message In a Bottle (New Classic Rock Mix) 00:00:00
15 Synchronicity I 00:00:00
16 Synchronicity II 00:00:00
17 Walking In Your Footsteps 00:00:00
18 Message In a Bottle 00:00:00
19 O My God 00:00:00
20 De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da 00:00:00
21 Wrapped Around Your Finger 00:00:00
22 Tea In the Sahara 00:00:00
23 Spirits In the Material World 00:00:00
24 King Of Pain 00:00:00
25 Don't Stand So Close to Me 00:00:00
26 Every Breath You Take 00:00:00
27 Roxanne 00:00:00
28 Can't Stand Losing You 00:00:00
29 So Lonely 00:00:00
30 Roxanne 00:00:00
31 Can't Stand Losing You 00:00:00
32 Message In a Bottle 00:00:00
33 Walking On the Moon 00:00:00
34 So Lonely 00:00:00
35 Don't Stand So Close to Me 00:00:00
36 De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da 00:00:00
37 Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic 00:00:00
38 Invisible Sun 00:00:00
39 Spirits In the Material World 00:00:00
40 Every Breath You Take 00:00:00
41 Wrapped Around Your Finger 00:00:00
42 Synchronicity II 00:00:00
43 Don't Stand So Close to Me '86 00:00:00
44 Can't Stand Losing You 00:00:00
45 Next to You 00:00:00
46 Demolition Man 00:00:00
47 One World (Not Three) 00:00:00
48 Spirits In the Material World 00:00:00
49 Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic 00:00:00
50 Studies In Synchronicity 00:00:00
Credit Sort descending Role
Arnie Acosta remastering
Hugh Padgham producer
Janette Beckman photography
John Warwicker design
Laurie Latham producer
Michael Ross art direction
Nigel Gray producer
Police producer
Tim O’Sullivan photography

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